
8 de October, 2023

Challenges in rural public education: Voices from Puerto Carreño

Public education in rural communities faces significant challenges, and parents and guardians of children in the community of Puerto Carreño have shared a glimpse of their experiences, shedding light on the difficulties families encounter in the pursuit of quality education for their children.

Omar Darío Molina Martínez, a father, tells us that he had to leave his native Venezuela in search of a better future for his family. Now in Puerto Carreño, Vichada, their children attend public school due to economic constraints. Although public education provides them with a free opportunity, they face significant obstacles.

“Public education has provided the opportunity for my children to study for free, but I have had many difficulties because many times there are no classes, or they enter classes very late.”


Omar emphasizes the lack of consistency in classes, concerns about the academic delay of his children, and the absence of adequate measures when older teachers fall ill. His testimony unveils the ongoing struggle of many rural families who, despite the free nature of public education, face challenges in providing a quality education for their children.

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